A hat designed to transmit electric waves. Sometimes it receives electric waves from external worlds.
MDEF + 5, CRIT + 5, FLEE + 5
Enables use of Level 1 Lightning Bolt.
Adds a chance autocast Level 3 Lightning Bolt when receive physical attack.
Defense: 2
Upper Headgear
MDEF + 5, CRIT + 5, FLEE + 5
Enables use of Level 1 Lightning Bolt.
Adds a chance autocast Level 3 Lightning Bolt when receive physical attack.
Defense: 2
Upper Headgear
Ingredients Required
15 Live Coals
Butterfly Wing
15 Raw Fish
20 Used Iron Plates
50 Rusty Screw
5 Fragment
Rough Wind
4x Iron Plate
10x Rusty Screw
2x Fragment
1x Rough Wind
The quest starts with a NPC in Kafra Headquarters in Aldebaran.

The Kafra agent would tell you about the broken antenna and ask for your help.

The Kafra agent will tell you that a person in Lutie can fix the antenna.

Talk to a NPC named Isabel in Lutie.She will tell you that her husband has been gone for few days/weeks and ask you to find him (Adolphus) in Einbroch.

Adolphus will ask you to help his wife with her chores.The first thing to do is to find her daughter and help her get 15 Live Coals. She is located at xmas_fild01 near a wooden cabin.

Then you will need to help find Isabel's son in Toy Factory (2nd floor). You will need a Butterfly Wing to send her son back safely.

Last chore to do is to get 15 Raw Fishes.You can get them at the Sushi Master in Amatsu.

After that, Adolphus will thank you for helping his wife. However,he won't fix the antenna but tell you that you will be able to fix the antenna yourself.

Go back to the Kafra Headquarters in Aldebaran and repair the antenna.

You will need to arrange the cables in the following order:
1. None
2. None
3. Red
4. Blue
5. Green
6. Yellow
After that, you will need to repair the holes in the antenna.You will need 20 Used Iron Plates.
Then, you will need screws to screw the plates up.Get 50 Rusty Screws.
Next, you will need 5 Fragments.

And the last thing you need is a Rough Wind.

The Kafra agent will thank you but refuse to pay you.

Go and talk to Adoplhus about it and he will reward you by making the headgear Antenna for you if you bring the following items:
4x Iron Plate
10x Rusty Screw
2x Fragment
1x Rough Wind

Bring him the Items.

original source by : http://wiki.talonro.com