by : Nikko
Stalkers are unarguably the most versatile of all classes for 1 obvious reason – they can copy other classes’ skills. This is definitely an advantage for stalkers.
It doesn’t take a lot to own in PvP with a stalker but it does take a lot to overcome things that can screw you.
As stated, this is the most versatile class of all. There are A LOT of feasible builds that you can do. However, I will only cover the a couple of builds as they are the most common.
Build 1 – Bow/Crit Build
This is pretty much the MOST common build of all stalkers because it has high dex which increases the chance of stripping.
Str: 30-ish – this is for you to be able to carry a lot of arrows and weapons without being overweight.
Agi: 195 atk spd after adding dex.
Vit: The rest~
Int: 1
Dex: 230~ - This should be multiple of 10 e.g. 234+126. You should add dex first as it increases your atk spd.
Luk: Unlike snipers, stalkers doesn’t have any skills that can increase their crit. Personally, I only go up to 80 crit maximum with this build but it is up to you.
Build 2 – Hybrid build: Bow/Int Build.
This build is what I’ve been using since I started using stalker which is since around late 2006. But this build will leave you a lot less HP compare to a pure bow build due to the reason that you will have to put some into int. This means that you will have to be much more ‘sneakier’ and smart in order to not lose a lot of HP before the midst of the fight.
Str: 30-ish – this is for you to be able to carry a lot of arrows and weapons without being overweight.
Agi: 195 atk spd after adding dex.
Int: 160-180ish~ This can be multiple of 5 or 10.
Dex: 210~ This should be multiple of 10 e.g. 234+126. You should add dex first as it increases your atk spd.
Luk: This is entirely up to you if you want to put some crit but this means that you will have less HP. If you do want to put crit, I suggest to only go up to 65-70 crit.
4 BKC – Headgear of your choice – LKH, Black Helm, EQW.
4 Pharaoh Cards – Headgear of your choice – LKH, Black Helm, EQW. (keep this in storage)
4 Gibbets – Headgear of your choice – LKH, Black Helm, EQW.
Evil/Angel Wing Ears – Maya Purple Card
Evil/Angel Wing Ears – Orc Hero Card
Evil/Angel Wing Ears – Evil Snake Lord Card
Evil/Angel Wing Ears – BKC
Evil/Angel Wing Ears – Gibbet
For a pure bow build, your best bet with wings would be an Omega Wing – more dex and vit.
For a hybrid build, your best bet with wings would be either an Alpha Wing – more luk and int. The reason behind this is that with this build, you will rely mostly on the skill that you copied and this is assuming that you copied bolts.
Cards needed for wings:
-Orc Hero Card
-Marduk Card
-Gibbet Card
You will need to be careful with the armours that you choose because some armours are very heavy but you can always put the unneeded ones in the storage. :P
Elements that you need to have in your armours:
-Ghost Property
-Fire Property
-Undead Property
-Holy Property (you will only need this armour against certain classes)
-Water Element
-Wind Element
-Shadow Element
The elements that are commonly used in PvP are Neutral, Fire and Undead so you need to keep these armours on you all the time.
Bows available:
- Soul Seeker[4]; Seeker[4]; Composite Bow[4]; Bow[4]
I suggest you use Soul Seeker for your 'damage' bow. Seeker for Curse and Stun status. Bow for Silence and Poison. Composite Bow for Freeze and Sleep.
A stalker’s best friend is statuses. Without them, owning with this class will be MUCH MORE harder.
Damage Bows:
-3 Hydra 1 Assaulter
-3 Hydra 1 Golem Card (unbreakable weapon)
Statuses that you need to have:
-Curse (Magnolia Card)
-Stun (Savage Babe Card)
-Freeze (Marina Card)
-Sleep (Plankton Card)
-Silence (Metaller Card)
oThese statuses will be the main ones that you will use so keep them with you all the time.
-Poison (Zenorc Card) *keep in storage*
-Confusion (Requiem Card) *keep in storage/optional*
You will also need an Oblivion Blade/Lord’s Knife with 4 Monkey Fist Cards compounded in them.
I suggest to put the Marina and Plankton Cards in Bows[4] and the rest in Composite Bows[4].
[copied from Hen’s guide]
You’ll need several slotted manteaus carded with:
- Raydric Card (-20% neutral damage)
- Jakk Card (-30% fire damage)
- Mist Card (-30% poison damage)
- Dustiness Card (-30% wind damage)
- Isis Card (-30% shadow damage)
- Mars Card (-30% water damage)
- Hode Card (-30% earth damage)
- Marionette Card (-30% ghost damage)
- Ragamuffin Manteau (+10 Mdef and can be bought from the Mall)
Only keep with you the ones that you will use most of the time which are Raydric, Jakk and Mist Manteaus.
Ancient Glove of Exile x2 – applies to both builds covered.
Ancient Earring of Faith – only applies to the hybrid build.
Clip of Clairvoyant – Sight (Horong Card) *always keep this on you; it is very handy ;]*
A guard with GTB/TGTB
A buckler Thara Frog Card (Cranial)
If you can afford elite/prt sets then use them.
Skills that you can copy:
Pure Bow build:
-Raging Triple Blow – this can be very annoying to your opponent because it can stunlock and it goes through Pnuema DUNDUNDUN!
-Pressure – this skill can be a pain in the ass. It can drain 40% sp in the first use and it also causes Bleeding status which stops Mana recovery and it also drains your opponent’s HP.
-Sharpshooting – DS/Sharpshoot spam – ‘nuff said.
-Charge Arrow
-Phantasmic Arrow .. possibly.
-Storm Gust
-Acid Terror
-I can’t think of anything else that you can copy but I will update this, though.
Hybrid Build:
-Fire/Cold/Lightning Bolt
-Jupitel Thunder
-Storm Gust
-Lightning Spear of Ice (personally, I prefer this because it has less delay and can stunlock far better than the normal bolts.)
General Strategies
Oblivion Blade/Lord’s Knife with 4 MFC + Cranial Buckler – In the start of every fight, you should have this on as it will give you 47/40 more stats which means that you will have more dex for higher divest chance and more vit for more HP. Whenever you are trying to divest, try and always put these equips on. When you are trying to divest, you will more likely to receive damage while doing it so the cranial shield will help you with that.
DS Flash – This is very effective when you are trying to freeze/sleep. This is done by going out of Chase Walk, DS and the use Chase Walk immediately. This will do a little damage but also give you the chance of statusing your enemy.
Divest [equip] – This is better than using Full Divest because it has a higher chance and some classes relies on one of their equipments for damage. e.g. Lord Knight, Sniper.
Backslide Divest – This can be hard to do especially when you haven’t mastered how to effectively use backslide. This is done by Backsliding towards your enemy and then immediately divesting. The more efficient way of doing this is by clicking somewhere after you backslide as this cancels out its animation. This also means that you will be able to use divest faster. However, this can be really hard to do.
Force GTB-use – This only applies to the hybrid build. This is basically using the skill that you copied (e.g. bolts) to force your opponent to wear GTB which means that your bow damage will increase.
Bolt+Divest Combo – This is done by bolting your enemy once which stunlocks them for a bit which gives you enough time to walk to them and divest.
Equip switch – Switch to your Faith accessory and Oblivion Blade/Lord’s Knife with 4 MFC + Cranial Buckler if you are trying to bolt your enemy and then switch back to Exile if you are using your bow.
PvP Guide
I will not be able to cover all the possible scenarios. However, you can use this guide as a basis on what to do.
Lord Knights
Difficulty: 2.5/5
This match is an equal match but it leans towards your favour a little.
At the start of the match, you should have Oblivion Blade/Lord’s Knife with 4 MFC + Cranial Buckler. The key in this match is to avoid being damaged by the LK. The first thing that you need to focus on is divesting the LK’s weapon because without it, they will not be able to use Spiral and they are left with Bash and Headcrush. The most effective way of divesting the LK’s weapon is by using the backslide divest. If you are not competent about this then you can just try and pop out beside him and using Divest Weapon. If the LK is smart i.e. try and move out of your divesting range, you should use DS Flash and try and freeze the LK. LKs have little or no luk so freezing shouldn’t be a problem. After you freeze them, use Full Divest and the match is pretty much done. If the LK have unfrozen on, then you have to start using statuses. The first status that you use against LKs is Curse. They have low luk is cursing them should not be a problem. When they are cursed, you just basically crit them to death. A smart LK will use hide and just wait for the curse to disappear. If this is the case, get your poisoning bow out. Curse the LK again and after they are cursed, poison them. (Make sure that you have your sound on because there is no way of knowing if the LK is poisoned or not if they are cursed; wait for the sound that the poison status make before you stop trying.). REMEMBER TO USE THE SKILL THAT YOU COPIED WHENEVER NECESSARY.
If you are a hybrid stalker, the first thing you do is the same as above. If the LK is smart, this is where you force them to use GTB. This will benefit you because it means that your damage will increase and the LK SP consumption will double. As they don’t have high SP, this should be a problem to them.
If you are trying to Silence your enemy, do not waste more than 4 seconds in trying because it is more likely that they have anti-silence on (Marduk Card).
In general, you should try and strip their weapon if you have the chance. As well as this, you should always try and get out of Spiral’s range.
You will have to have anti-stun on. Have your anti-curse ready in case the LK puts on Nightmare Terror.
Difficulty: 3.5/5
This can be a hard duel to win. The first thing that you need to do is divest the pally’s shield because after this, all their defensive skills will be gone >;]. If they start doing the run->pressure->run. You should try and curse the pally. This will make their Pressure useless as they will have 0 luk. When they are cursed, you should try and freeze them and then use Full Divest.
When you have divested their shield or cursed them, it is more likely that they will use Battle Chant. This is your chance to inflict damage or just curse them again.
Keep your Water Armour handy as the Paladin can bolt you. If they are a str Pally, then armour change as well. Beware of the getting frozen so an Unfrozen Water Armour would be the best one to use.
Make sure to use the skill that you copied if necessary.
If you are trying to Silence your enemy, do not waste more than 4 seconds in trying because it is more likely that they have anti-silence on (Marduk Card).
A general tactic is to keep the pally busy with defending themselves because there is a large margin of error in their side. Plus, they will not be able to go on the offense because they will just get divested. ;P
Difficulty: 5/5
Sigh… a stalker’s nemesis. They have FP, Slims, chunks of HP and those annoying plants.
The first thing that you do is Curse the creator. This means that you’ll have an easy to time getting our of their AD’s range. After they are cursed, try and stunning them. This will prevent them from slimming. If they use hide, take advantage of their plants. Hide under them, then use Sight and then attack. In a hybrid stalker’s case, use your bolts to force them to wear GTB. If you can afford more than 1 Ghost armour, then perfect. Ready a few Ghost armours so whenever the one you have equipped breaks you can just wear another one.
If you are trying to Silence your enemy, do not waste more than 4 seconds in trying because it is more likely that they have anti-silence on (Marduk Card).
A general tip is to make sure that you keep out of AD’s range and prevent them from breaking your weapon.
Make sure to keep in hand your anti-curse as they might wear a Nightmare Terror Armour.
Difficulty: 3/5
A WS’s adversary is being Cursed because all their offensive skills are short-range so this is the first thing that you should do. If they have anti-curse on, use DS+Flash and try to freeze them. If they have Unfrozen on, just shower them with statuses. If they use Throw Tomahawk, wear your shield so this way, your weapon will not be broken because you are not wearing one. Ha! Take this time to also try and divest their weapon (Backslide + Divest!).
A hybrid stalker should not have a hard time beating a WS because:
1. You would force them to wear GTB which means that your damage will increase
2. This also means that they cannot use Throw Tomahawk because they would need a Reaper for that which is 2-handed. :P
If you are trying to Silence your enemy, do not waste more than 4 seconds in trying because it is more likely that they have anti-silence on (Marduk Card).
Make sure that you have anti-stun on.
A general tip is to armour change accordingly.
Assassin Crosses
Difficulty: 4/5
The ones that you will have the most problem with are players who can use Backslide and can weapon change effectively.
You will have a hard time trying to status them because they will ALWAYS be cloaking. So in this fight, you will mostly have your Oblivion Blade/Lord’s Knife with 4 MFC + Cranial Buckler on. Make sure to have Sight on as well. A sinx will more likely to go up to you and use Meteor Assault. This will be your chance to divest – divest their headgear first as this will make them lose a lot of stats. Make sure to keep sight up. Most sinx will probably have a casting time after you’ve divested their helm so this will be the time to chase them (with Sight up!) and melee or DS spam.
This is not always the case however. As I said, the ones who will give you the problem are the ones who can use Backslide effectively. The way around this is if you know that they are going to Backslide, DS them.
As a hybrid stalker, force them to wear a GTB first and then try and divest their helm.
If you are trying to Silence your enemy, do not waste more than 4 seconds in trying because it is more likely that they have anti-silence on (Marduk Card).
A general tip is to armour change accordingly. As well as this, be cautious when they have EDP on because this will cause nasty damage.
Difficulty: */5
This is a match of who gets to divest first or who is smarter.
There are far too much possible scenarios with this fight but generally, you have to try and not get divested while making sure that you are in the offense as well.
Make sure that you have your Maya Purple Mid-headgear on and anti-silence.
Difficulty: */5
Ack.. I hate battling profs :<
If you don’t have a TGTB, then unfortunately you cannot win this fight. (With GTB, they can just use Heaven’s Drive, Soul Burn and then bolt you to death :[)
If you do have TGTB, however, make sure to put on at first. They will more likely to Soul Burn you and then start attacking. When they start attacking, put your Pharaoh Helm and cranial shield on and divest their headgear and then their weapon. In most cases, you will have divested both of them before they can even react. If they are smart, they would start bolting you once they see you divesting. After you have divested them, status them and then crit them to death.
If you are a hybrid stalker, do the same thing but instead of divesting their weapon, divest their shield. Try and divest their weapon as well if you get the chance. After they are divested, just bolt them to death.
If you are trying to Silence your enemy, do not waste more than 4 seconds in trying because it is more likely that they have anti-silence on (Marduk Card).
Make sure to wear anti-silence and anti-curse on. Switch to anti-stun if necessary.
A good strategy against Profs is to armour change. Put your Shadow Armour on at first and when they endow, switch your armour accordingly.
Difficulty: */5
If you don’t have a TGTB, then unfortunately you cannot win this fight.
Make sure you have TGTB on at first. More likely that they will use Magnum Break to MC you so switch armours. This is also your chance to divest them because you will not get stunlock by MC. Divest their helm first and then their weapon. After this, they are pretty much hopeless. Beware if they can still cast bolts if they are divested though. If this is the case, then get out of their range and start statusing them.
If you are a hybrid stalker, instead of divesting their helm, divest their shield. After they are divested, just bolt them to death. Divest their helm if you get the chance as well.
A general strategy is to armour switch accordingly.
Stalkers are unarguably the most versatile of all classes for 1 obvious reason – they can copy other classes’ skills. This is definitely an advantage for stalkers.
It doesn’t take a lot to own in PvP with a stalker but it does take a lot to overcome things that can screw you.
As stated, this is the most versatile class of all. There are A LOT of feasible builds that you can do. However, I will only cover the a couple of builds as they are the most common.
Build 1 – Bow/Crit Build
This is pretty much the MOST common build of all stalkers because it has high dex which increases the chance of stripping.
Str: 30-ish – this is for you to be able to carry a lot of arrows and weapons without being overweight.
Agi: 195 atk spd after adding dex.
Vit: The rest~
Int: 1
Dex: 230~ - This should be multiple of 10 e.g. 234+126. You should add dex first as it increases your atk spd.
Luk: Unlike snipers, stalkers doesn’t have any skills that can increase their crit. Personally, I only go up to 80 crit maximum with this build but it is up to you.
Build 2 – Hybrid build: Bow/Int Build.
This build is what I’ve been using since I started using stalker which is since around late 2006. But this build will leave you a lot less HP compare to a pure bow build due to the reason that you will have to put some into int. This means that you will have to be much more ‘sneakier’ and smart in order to not lose a lot of HP before the midst of the fight.
Str: 30-ish – this is for you to be able to carry a lot of arrows and weapons without being overweight.
Agi: 195 atk spd after adding dex.
Int: 160-180ish~ This can be multiple of 5 or 10.
Dex: 210~ This should be multiple of 10 e.g. 234+126. You should add dex first as it increases your atk spd.
Luk: This is entirely up to you if you want to put some crit but this means that you will have less HP. If you do want to put crit, I suggest to only go up to 65-70 crit.
4 BKC – Headgear of your choice – LKH, Black Helm, EQW.
4 Pharaoh Cards – Headgear of your choice – LKH, Black Helm, EQW. (keep this in storage)
4 Gibbets – Headgear of your choice – LKH, Black Helm, EQW.
Evil/Angel Wing Ears – Maya Purple Card
Evil/Angel Wing Ears – Orc Hero Card
Evil/Angel Wing Ears – Evil Snake Lord Card
Evil/Angel Wing Ears – BKC
Evil/Angel Wing Ears – Gibbet
For a pure bow build, your best bet with wings would be an Omega Wing – more dex and vit.
For a hybrid build, your best bet with wings would be either an Alpha Wing – more luk and int. The reason behind this is that with this build, you will rely mostly on the skill that you copied and this is assuming that you copied bolts.
Cards needed for wings:
-Orc Hero Card
-Marduk Card
-Gibbet Card
You will need to be careful with the armours that you choose because some armours are very heavy but you can always put the unneeded ones in the storage. :P
Elements that you need to have in your armours:
-Ghost Property
-Fire Property
-Undead Property
-Holy Property (you will only need this armour against certain classes)
-Water Element
-Wind Element
-Shadow Element
The elements that are commonly used in PvP are Neutral, Fire and Undead so you need to keep these armours on you all the time.
Bows available:
- Soul Seeker[4]; Seeker[4]; Composite Bow[4]; Bow[4]
I suggest you use Soul Seeker for your 'damage' bow. Seeker for Curse and Stun status. Bow for Silence and Poison. Composite Bow for Freeze and Sleep.
A stalker’s best friend is statuses. Without them, owning with this class will be MUCH MORE harder.
Damage Bows:
-3 Hydra 1 Assaulter
-3 Hydra 1 Golem Card (unbreakable weapon)
Statuses that you need to have:
-Curse (Magnolia Card)
-Stun (Savage Babe Card)
-Freeze (Marina Card)
-Sleep (Plankton Card)
-Silence (Metaller Card)
oThese statuses will be the main ones that you will use so keep them with you all the time.
-Poison (Zenorc Card) *keep in storage*
-Confusion (Requiem Card) *keep in storage/optional*
You will also need an Oblivion Blade/Lord’s Knife with 4 Monkey Fist Cards compounded in them.
I suggest to put the Marina and Plankton Cards in Bows[4] and the rest in Composite Bows[4].
[copied from Hen’s guide]
You’ll need several slotted manteaus carded with:
- Raydric Card (-20% neutral damage)
- Jakk Card (-30% fire damage)
- Mist Card (-30% poison damage)
- Dustiness Card (-30% wind damage)
- Isis Card (-30% shadow damage)
- Mars Card (-30% water damage)
- Hode Card (-30% earth damage)
- Marionette Card (-30% ghost damage)
- Ragamuffin Manteau (+10 Mdef and can be bought from the Mall)
Only keep with you the ones that you will use most of the time which are Raydric, Jakk and Mist Manteaus.
Ancient Glove of Exile x2 – applies to both builds covered.
Ancient Earring of Faith – only applies to the hybrid build.
Clip of Clairvoyant – Sight (Horong Card) *always keep this on you; it is very handy ;]*
A guard with GTB/TGTB
A buckler Thara Frog Card (Cranial)
If you can afford elite/prt sets then use them.
Skills that you can copy:
Pure Bow build:
-Raging Triple Blow – this can be very annoying to your opponent because it can stunlock and it goes through Pnuema DUNDUNDUN!
-Pressure – this skill can be a pain in the ass. It can drain 40% sp in the first use and it also causes Bleeding status which stops Mana recovery and it also drains your opponent’s HP.
-Sharpshooting – DS/Sharpshoot spam – ‘nuff said.
-Charge Arrow
-Phantasmic Arrow .. possibly.
-Storm Gust
-Acid Terror
-I can’t think of anything else that you can copy but I will update this, though.
Hybrid Build:
-Fire/Cold/Lightning Bolt
-Jupitel Thunder
-Storm Gust
-Lightning Spear of Ice (personally, I prefer this because it has less delay and can stunlock far better than the normal bolts.)
General Strategies
Oblivion Blade/Lord’s Knife with 4 MFC + Cranial Buckler – In the start of every fight, you should have this on as it will give you 47/40 more stats which means that you will have more dex for higher divest chance and more vit for more HP. Whenever you are trying to divest, try and always put these equips on. When you are trying to divest, you will more likely to receive damage while doing it so the cranial shield will help you with that.
DS Flash – This is very effective when you are trying to freeze/sleep. This is done by going out of Chase Walk, DS and the use Chase Walk immediately. This will do a little damage but also give you the chance of statusing your enemy.
Divest [equip] – This is better than using Full Divest because it has a higher chance and some classes relies on one of their equipments for damage. e.g. Lord Knight, Sniper.
Backslide Divest – This can be hard to do especially when you haven’t mastered how to effectively use backslide. This is done by Backsliding towards your enemy and then immediately divesting. The more efficient way of doing this is by clicking somewhere after you backslide as this cancels out its animation. This also means that you will be able to use divest faster. However, this can be really hard to do.
Force GTB-use – This only applies to the hybrid build. This is basically using the skill that you copied (e.g. bolts) to force your opponent to wear GTB which means that your bow damage will increase.
Bolt+Divest Combo – This is done by bolting your enemy once which stunlocks them for a bit which gives you enough time to walk to them and divest.
Equip switch – Switch to your Faith accessory and Oblivion Blade/Lord’s Knife with 4 MFC + Cranial Buckler if you are trying to bolt your enemy and then switch back to Exile if you are using your bow.
PvP Guide
I will not be able to cover all the possible scenarios. However, you can use this guide as a basis on what to do.
Lord Knights
Difficulty: 2.5/5
This match is an equal match but it leans towards your favour a little.
At the start of the match, you should have Oblivion Blade/Lord’s Knife with 4 MFC + Cranial Buckler. The key in this match is to avoid being damaged by the LK. The first thing that you need to focus on is divesting the LK’s weapon because without it, they will not be able to use Spiral and they are left with Bash and Headcrush. The most effective way of divesting the LK’s weapon is by using the backslide divest. If you are not competent about this then you can just try and pop out beside him and using Divest Weapon. If the LK is smart i.e. try and move out of your divesting range, you should use DS Flash and try and freeze the LK. LKs have little or no luk so freezing shouldn’t be a problem. After you freeze them, use Full Divest and the match is pretty much done. If the LK have unfrozen on, then you have to start using statuses. The first status that you use against LKs is Curse. They have low luk is cursing them should not be a problem. When they are cursed, you just basically crit them to death. A smart LK will use hide and just wait for the curse to disappear. If this is the case, get your poisoning bow out. Curse the LK again and after they are cursed, poison them. (Make sure that you have your sound on because there is no way of knowing if the LK is poisoned or not if they are cursed; wait for the sound that the poison status make before you stop trying.). REMEMBER TO USE THE SKILL THAT YOU COPIED WHENEVER NECESSARY.
If you are a hybrid stalker, the first thing you do is the same as above. If the LK is smart, this is where you force them to use GTB. This will benefit you because it means that your damage will increase and the LK SP consumption will double. As they don’t have high SP, this should be a problem to them.
If you are trying to Silence your enemy, do not waste more than 4 seconds in trying because it is more likely that they have anti-silence on (Marduk Card).
In general, you should try and strip their weapon if you have the chance. As well as this, you should always try and get out of Spiral’s range.
You will have to have anti-stun on. Have your anti-curse ready in case the LK puts on Nightmare Terror.
Difficulty: 3.5/5
This can be a hard duel to win. The first thing that you need to do is divest the pally’s shield because after this, all their defensive skills will be gone >;]. If they start doing the run->pressure->run. You should try and curse the pally. This will make their Pressure useless as they will have 0 luk. When they are cursed, you should try and freeze them and then use Full Divest.
When you have divested their shield or cursed them, it is more likely that they will use Battle Chant. This is your chance to inflict damage or just curse them again.
Keep your Water Armour handy as the Paladin can bolt you. If they are a str Pally, then armour change as well. Beware of the getting frozen so an Unfrozen Water Armour would be the best one to use.
Make sure to use the skill that you copied if necessary.
If you are trying to Silence your enemy, do not waste more than 4 seconds in trying because it is more likely that they have anti-silence on (Marduk Card).
A general tactic is to keep the pally busy with defending themselves because there is a large margin of error in their side. Plus, they will not be able to go on the offense because they will just get divested. ;P
Difficulty: 5/5
Sigh… a stalker’s nemesis. They have FP, Slims, chunks of HP and those annoying plants.
The first thing that you do is Curse the creator. This means that you’ll have an easy to time getting our of their AD’s range. After they are cursed, try and stunning them. This will prevent them from slimming. If they use hide, take advantage of their plants. Hide under them, then use Sight and then attack. In a hybrid stalker’s case, use your bolts to force them to wear GTB. If you can afford more than 1 Ghost armour, then perfect. Ready a few Ghost armours so whenever the one you have equipped breaks you can just wear another one.
If you are trying to Silence your enemy, do not waste more than 4 seconds in trying because it is more likely that they have anti-silence on (Marduk Card).
A general tip is to make sure that you keep out of AD’s range and prevent them from breaking your weapon.
Make sure to keep in hand your anti-curse as they might wear a Nightmare Terror Armour.
Difficulty: 3/5
A WS’s adversary is being Cursed because all their offensive skills are short-range so this is the first thing that you should do. If they have anti-curse on, use DS+Flash and try to freeze them. If they have Unfrozen on, just shower them with statuses. If they use Throw Tomahawk, wear your shield so this way, your weapon will not be broken because you are not wearing one. Ha! Take this time to also try and divest their weapon (Backslide + Divest!).
A hybrid stalker should not have a hard time beating a WS because:
1. You would force them to wear GTB which means that your damage will increase
2. This also means that they cannot use Throw Tomahawk because they would need a Reaper for that which is 2-handed. :P
If you are trying to Silence your enemy, do not waste more than 4 seconds in trying because it is more likely that they have anti-silence on (Marduk Card).
Make sure that you have anti-stun on.
A general tip is to armour change accordingly.
Assassin Crosses
Difficulty: 4/5
The ones that you will have the most problem with are players who can use Backslide and can weapon change effectively.
You will have a hard time trying to status them because they will ALWAYS be cloaking. So in this fight, you will mostly have your Oblivion Blade/Lord’s Knife with 4 MFC + Cranial Buckler on. Make sure to have Sight on as well. A sinx will more likely to go up to you and use Meteor Assault. This will be your chance to divest – divest their headgear first as this will make them lose a lot of stats. Make sure to keep sight up. Most sinx will probably have a casting time after you’ve divested their helm so this will be the time to chase them (with Sight up!) and melee or DS spam.
This is not always the case however. As I said, the ones who will give you the problem are the ones who can use Backslide effectively. The way around this is if you know that they are going to Backslide, DS them.
As a hybrid stalker, force them to wear a GTB first and then try and divest their helm.
If you are trying to Silence your enemy, do not waste more than 4 seconds in trying because it is more likely that they have anti-silence on (Marduk Card).
A general tip is to armour change accordingly. As well as this, be cautious when they have EDP on because this will cause nasty damage.
Difficulty: */5
This is a match of who gets to divest first or who is smarter.
There are far too much possible scenarios with this fight but generally, you have to try and not get divested while making sure that you are in the offense as well.
Make sure that you have your Maya Purple Mid-headgear on and anti-silence.
Difficulty: */5
Ack.. I hate battling profs :<
If you don’t have a TGTB, then unfortunately you cannot win this fight. (With GTB, they can just use Heaven’s Drive, Soul Burn and then bolt you to death :[)
If you do have TGTB, however, make sure to put on at first. They will more likely to Soul Burn you and then start attacking. When they start attacking, put your Pharaoh Helm and cranial shield on and divest their headgear and then their weapon. In most cases, you will have divested both of them before they can even react. If they are smart, they would start bolting you once they see you divesting. After you have divested them, status them and then crit them to death.
If you are a hybrid stalker, do the same thing but instead of divesting their weapon, divest their shield. Try and divest their weapon as well if you get the chance. After they are divested, just bolt them to death.
If you are trying to Silence your enemy, do not waste more than 4 seconds in trying because it is more likely that they have anti-silence on (Marduk Card).
Make sure to wear anti-silence and anti-curse on. Switch to anti-stun if necessary.
A good strategy against Profs is to armour change. Put your Shadow Armour on at first and when they endow, switch your armour accordingly.
Difficulty: */5
If you don’t have a TGTB, then unfortunately you cannot win this fight.
Make sure you have TGTB on at first. More likely that they will use Magnum Break to MC you so switch armours. This is also your chance to divest them because you will not get stunlock by MC. Divest their helm first and then their weapon. After this, they are pretty much hopeless. Beware if they can still cast bolts if they are divested though. If this is the case, then get out of their range and start statusing them.
If you are a hybrid stalker, instead of divesting their helm, divest their shield. After they are divested, just bolt them to death. Divest their helm if you get the chance as well.
A general strategy is to armour switch accordingly.