first step:
Go to Yuno_in01 123 165
Go to Yuno_in01 123 165
you must register your account at token Guild Leader and you will need 100.000.000 zenny for Register
talk to Guild Leader and Choose "I want to be a Treasure Hunter"
This is the list of Token Quest:
note: Has a cooldown of 1 hour, before you start another quest. To Start the Quest.
- Mjolnir_09 (187,189)
- Basically just talk to him.
- Rewards : 1t.
2. Master Needs His Bow
- pay_arche (86,129)
- Talk to him and give him the letter which was given to you by the Quest manager.
- Rewards : 1t
3. The Hit List
- prt_fild06 (37,192)
- Item required : 20 Worm Peelings, 20 Jellopy, 20 Fluff and 20 Clover
- Rewards : 2t
4. The Sad Widow
- prontera (264,353)
- Item required : 15 Memento
- Rewards : 3t
5. The Strange Letter
- morocc (59,109)
- Give her the letter which was given by the Quest manager.
- Rewards : 1t
6. Jur for Jeremiah
- in_moc16 (16,30)
- Give him the Jur which was given by the Quest manager.
- Rewards : 1t
7. Bee Keeper's Hunny
- prt_fild07 (316,263)
- Item requirements : 20 Honey
- Rewards : 2t
8. The Wander Man
- payon (161,72)
- Item requirements : 1 Skull
- Rewards : 3t
9. Damn Pixies
- moc_fild04 (208,322)
- Item requirments : 30 Elder Pixie's Moustache
- Rewards : 2t
10. Package Delivery
- yuno_fild01 (186,162)
- Give him the letter which was provided by the Quest manager
- Rewards : 1t
11. Prontera Culvert
- mjolnir_02 (87,357)
- Item requirements : 50 Lantern
- Rewards : 4t
12. Trouble at the Coal Mine
- mjolnir_02 (87,357)
- Item requirements : 50 Lantern
- Rewards : 4t
13. Zombie Attack
- pay_arche (45,138)
- Item requirements ; 50 Decayed Nail
- Rewards : 2t
14. Mystic Wizard
- yuno (45,138)
- Give him the his Staff which was provided by the Quest manager.
- Rewards : 1t
15. Aww Shoot!
- prontera (176,204)
- Item requirements : 20 Shoot
- Rewards : 1t
16. Emperium
- prt_gld (157,99)
- Item requirements : 1 Emperium
- Rewards : 2t and a treasure chest
17. Savage Land
- prt_maze01 (18,184)
- Item requirements ; 15 Mane
- Rewards : 2t
- moc_ruins (75,167)
- 30 Skel-Bone
- Rewards : 2t
19. Thinking First
- geffen (57,130)
- Give her the Bouquet which was given by the Quest manager.
- Rewards : 1t
20. The Not so Friendly Ghost
- gef_tower (49,27)
- Item requirements : 50 Fabric
- Rewards : 4t
21. Package for Thieves
- moc_prydb1 (47,132)
- Give him the box which was provided by the Quest manager
- Rewards : 1t
22. Pyramids Part 2
- moc_ruins (75,167)
- Item requirements : 30 Rotten Bandages
- Rewards : 2t
23. Special Delivery
- xmas (144,136)
- Give her the box which was provided by the quest manager.
- Rewards : 2t
24. Geffenia
- gef_tower (52,87)
- Item requirements : 20 Horse Shoe
- Rewards : 4t
25. Apple Juice
- prontera (123,208)
- Item requirements : 5 Apple Juice
- Rewards : 1t
26. Delivery
- alberta (101,84)
- Give him the box which was provided by the Quest manager.
- Rewards : 1t
27. Golden Thief Bug
- prt_sewb1 (120,245)
- Item requirements : 1 Gold
- Rewards : 4t
28. Evil Pirates
- alb2trea (94,102)
- Item requirements : 1 Saber[3]
- Rewards : 4t
- prontera (123,208)
- Item requirements : 5 Banana Juice
- Rewards : 1t
30. Another Delivery
- morocc (165,55)
- Give him the box which was given by the Quest manager.
- Rewards : 1t
- payon (136,129)
- Item requirements : 10 Glass beads
- Rewards : 2t
- prt_maze02 (103,86)
- Item requirements : 1 Evil Horn
- Rewards: 5t
- geffen_in (168,124)
- Give her the box which was given by the Quest manager.
- Rewards : 1t
- pay_arche (98,74)
- Item requirements : 20 Black Hair
- Rewards : 4t
- payon_in02 (19,33)
- Item requirements : 1 Nine Tail
- Rewards : 4t
- payon_in02 (19,33)
- Item requirements : 40 Daenggie
- Rewards : 3t
- morocc (193,51)
- Give him the box which was provided by the Quest manager
- Rewards : 1t
- pay_fild10 (145,252)
- Item requirements : 1 Tiger skin
- Rewards : 4t
- moc_fild04 (193,51)
- Item requirements : 1 Tongue
- Rewards : 4t
- moc_fild15 (250,251)
- Item requirements : 1 Mother's Nightmare
- Rewards : 3t
Official Shop offers:
Trade for Zeny
1000z - 1T
10,000 - 10T
100,000 - 100T
Trade for Weapons:
Sabbath - 160 T (id:1365)
Slaughter - 160T (id:1367)
Tomahawk - 180T (id:1368)
Great Axe - 200T (id:1364)
Guillotine - 200T (id:1369)
Trade for Castle Drop
ESG - 500T
Snow Crystal - 350T
Ripple - 350T
Billow - 300T
Omen of Tempest - 300T
Breath of Spirit - 300T
1000z - 1T
10,000 - 10T
100,000 - 100T
Trade for Weapons:
Sabbath - 160 T (id:1365)
Slaughter - 160T (id:1367)
Tomahawk - 180T (id:1368)
Great Axe - 200T (id:1364)
Guillotine - 200T (id:1369)
Trade for Castle Drop
ESG - 500T
Snow Crystal - 350T
Ripple - 350T
Billow - 300T
Omen of Tempest - 300T
Breath of Spirit - 300T
original source by: